Karl Cottenie
Priority effects of stream eutrophication and assembly history on beta diversity across aquatic consumers, decomposers and producers
A Metacognitive Instructional Guide to Support Effective Studying Strategies
Examining the effects of heterospecific abundance on dispersal in forest small mammals
At each site its diversity: DNA barcoding reveals remarkable earthworm diversity in neotropical rainforests of French Guiana
Reconciling seascape genetics and fisheries science in three codistributed flatfishes
Ethanol eDNA Reveals Unique Community Composition of Aquatic Macroinvertebrates Compared to Bulk Tissue Metabarcoding in a Biomonitoring Sampling Scheme
Floods homogenize aquatic communities across time but not across space in a Neotropical floodplain
Mapping and understanding the vulnerability of northern peatlands to permafrost thaw at scales relevant to community adaptation planning
Spatio-temporal analyses show conflicting evidence of the role of an invasive minnow in the decline of an endangered desert fish endemic to the south-western U.S.A.
Variation in space and time: a long-term examination of density-dependent dispersal in a woodland rodent
Assessment of stream macroinvertebrate communities with eDNA is not congruent with tissue-based metabarcoding
Transposable element persistence via potential genome-level ecosystem engineering
Into the wild: microbiome transplant studies need broader ecological reality
Stochastic and deterministic processes drive wetland community assembly across a gradient of environmental filtering
Perception of Biology Instructors on Using Student Evaluations to Inform Their Teaching
Distinctive macroinvertebrate communities in a subtropical river network
Restored native prairie supports abundant and species-rich native bee communities on conventional farms
Individual foraging location, but not dietary, specialization: implications for rhinoceros auklets as samplers of forage fish
Maintenance of agricultural drains alters physical habitat, but not macroinvertebrate assemblages exploited by fishes
The effects of roads on habitat selection and movement patterns of the American badger subspecies Taxidea taxus jacksoni in Ontario, Canada
Fish assemblages in agricultural drains are resilient to habitat change caused by drain maintenance
The importance of taxonomic resolution for additive beta diversity as revealed through DNA barcoding
Yes! There are Resilient Generalizations (or “Laws”) in Ecology
Taxonomic resolution based on DNA barcoding affects environmental signal in metacommunity structure
Different roles of environmental variables and spatial factors in structuring stream benthic diatom and macroinvertebrate in Yangtze River Delta, China
Concept mapping as means to critical thinking textbar Teaching and Learning Innovations
Detecting signatures of competition from observational data: a combined approach using DNA barcoding, diversity partitioning and checkerboards at small spatial scales
The impacts of anthropogenic disturbance on plant species richness in the freshwater lakes of Algonquin Provincial Park
The role of local and regional processes on population synchrony along the gradients of habitat specialization - Pandit - 2016 - Ecosphere - Wiley Online Library
Variation in plant community composition and vegetation carbon pools a decade following a severe fire season in interior Alaska
Study of biofilms on PVDF membranes after chemical cleaning by sodium hypochlorite
A comparative analysis reveals weak relationships between ecological factors and beta diversity of stream insect metacommunities at two spatial levels
Applying ecological models to communities of genetic elements: the case of neutral theory
Dispersal abilities of riverine freshwater mussels influence metacommunity structure
Metacommunity versus Biogeography: A Case Study of Two Groups of Neotropical Vegetation-Dwelling Arthropods
Changes in migratory fish communities and their health, hydrology, and water chemistry in rivers of the Athabasca oil sands region: a review of historical and current data
A novel application of ecological analyses to assess transposable element distributions in the genome of the domestic cow, Bos taurus
A critical analysis of the ubiquity of linear local–regional richness relationships
Distinguishing ecological from evolutionary approaches to transposable elements
Distribution of unionid freshwater mussels depends on the distribution of host fishes on a regional scale
Improving dichotomous keys for undergraduate teaching
Population synchrony decreases with richness and increases with environmental fluctuations in an experimental metacommunity
Spatial Variability in Plant Predation Determines the Strength of Stochastic Community Assembly
A Metacommunity Framework for Enhancing the Effectiveness of Biological Monitoring Strategies
The terminology of metacommunity ecology
Common and rare species respond to similar niche processes in macroinvertebrate metacommunities
Response of Migratory Sea Lampreys to Artificial Lighting in Portable Traps
Patterns of tree diversity in response to logging in Algonquin Provincial Park
Dispersal limitation of unionid mussels and implications for their conservation
Environmental and spatial controls of biotic assemblages in a discrete semi-terrestrial habitat: comparison of organisms with different dispersal abilities sampled in the same plots
Aquatic connectivity and fish metacommunities in wetlands of the lower Great Lakes
Hierarchical zooplankton metacommunities: distinguishing between high and limiting dispersal mechanisms
Spatial autocorrelation and dispersal limitation in freshwater organisms
Contrasts between habitat generalists and specialists: an empirical extension to the basic metacommunity framework
Plant and fungal identity determines pathogen protection of plant roots by arbuscular mycorrhizas
Exploring differences in macroinvertebrate communities from emergent, floating-leaved and submersed vegetation in shallow ponds
The relative importance of dispersal and local processes in structuring phytoplankton communities in a set of highly interconnected ponds
The power of species sorting: Local factors drive bacterial community composition over a wide range of spatial scales
Little evidence for climate effects on local-scale structure and dynamics of California kelp forest communities
Top-Down Vs. Bottom-Up Effects in Kelp Forests
Strong Top-Down Control in Southern California Kelp Forest Ecosystems
Integrating environmental and spatial processes in ecological community dynamics
Metacommunity Structure: Synergy of Biotic Interactions as Selective Agents and Dispersal as Fuel
Connectivity and cladoceran species richness in a metacommunity of shallow lakes
Zooplankton Metacommunity Structure: Regional Vs. Local Processes in Highly Interconnected Ponds
The status of some exotic cladoceran (Crustacea: Branchiopoda) species in the Belgian fauna.
Zooplankton community structure and environmental conditions in a set of interconnected ponds