Thiago successfully defended his PhD in Brazil! Congratulations! You will be able to read all the innovative research he has done the last couple of years as they will become part of the vetted ecological literature, no doubt about that. But I think he learned more than “ecology” during these last years. Here is an excerpt from his acknowledgments:
“Tive muita sorte de conhecer o meu co-orientador Karl Cottenie. Para minha surpresa, um quadro branco e uma caneta preta - e não um programa de estatística - me mostraram como rabiscos podem gerar ideias e muito conhecimento.
There is a time of arriving, and a time of leaving, and the time of leaving has arrived. Thiago and his family is going back to Brazil, after a very successful, productive, and fun 6 month visit. Now I have to find a way to visit Brazil, somehow, sometime. The lab will be a little bit quieter, again.