There is a time of arriving, and a time of leaving, and the time of leaving has arrived. Thiago and his family is going back to Brazil, after a very successful, productive, and fun 6 month visit. Now I have to find a way to visit Brazil, somehow, sometime. The lab will be a little bit quieter, again.
All good things come to an end. And now it is Amanda's time to leave. She successfully defended her thesis "Zooplankton metacommunity responses to environmental change in the sub-arctic". At this point, there are 3 manifestations of her work:Amanda's electronic thesis link: the UoG library now provides an electronic reference for all theses, which will increase the exposure and accessibility of the research.Her presentation, that is the perfect example of how we should present results to a larger audience
It is that time of the year again, the evenings are getting shorter and colder, the get-back-to-school ads are being replaced with Halloween ads, Guelph seems to girding itself for the onslaught of 17.000 partying students with campaigns, more police patrols, warnings, new by-laws, field work is winding down and everybody is slowly adjusting to the realities of life. To celebrate this past summer, and introduce all the new lab members to each other, we had our first unofficial lab meeting at my place.
I am Ingrid, a returning member of the Cottenie lab. This is my first post, and it comes at one of those in-between times in my life. I am in between finishing a two-month bike tour and starting a three- (or four, or more…?) year PhD. It’s been an interesting process, returning from the tour and re-integrating back into society.
First, a little about the tour. It was one of the best and most challenging things I have ever done.
After a whole month of preparations, it finally happened: the procession of species. It started a little bit late for us, since I had a race in the morning. But thanks to cell phones, we could join the parade half way through. Kobe was really excited and waiting for the first sign of the parade and the rest of the lab.
Here are some random pictures of the different species and musicians bringing life music.
Well, as Karl has mentioned our lab will be participating as a horde of zooplankton in the KW Procession of Species Parade. The parade is as much about encouragaing local expressions of art as it is about showcasing biodiversity. With that in mind we set out yesterday to stretch our creativity and construct a prototype of our first costume. We decided that Daphnia would be our main inspiration and started on a carapace and post abdomen.
We will participate as a lab to the species parade in Kitchener/Waterloo. Our theme? The planktoneers, of course. This seems not to be the most obvious theme, so we are mentioned in some of the local papers. As Ingrid wrote: “The heat is on”.