On November 5, it was bring your kid to work day for Grade 9 students. My oldest son (Kobe) wanted to participate, so I created a fun-packed (I thought) day for him.
The highlight for him: siting in on Sho and Nick’s Biodiversity class. At dinner that evening, he could tell us all about what he learned in that class.
The lowlight for him: my biostats class. Hopefully I have not ruined statistics for him.
I (Karl Cottenie) had a busy weeklong trip to Belem, Brazil, at the end of October. I was invited to facilitate a 2.5 day workshop, give a research seminar, and be part of an MSc qualifying defence.
See here for some pictures of my trip, and below is a little bit more information on what I did.
It was really fun (and a lot of work) to put together the material for the metacommunity workshop.
Nature has a news article on 2 free alternatives to Web of Science, including your personal citation library. Another example of serendipity, because I created one a couple of days before the nature publication, and planned to wanted to dedicate a short blog to it, i.e., this one.
You can access mine here: http://scholar.google.com/citations?user=lL7RlhMAAAAJ. Below is a 2011 snapshot picture:For reference, here is screen capture of the “official” Web of Science summary:Very similar, if you ask me, although the Google Scholar obviously includes more items.