I recently gave a brief project update to the gang. Here are the nuts and bolts of my undergrad thesis (I’ll try to stay brief): -Eelgrass meadows are important. They provide habitat for dozens of fish and invertebrate species, stabilize sediment, and cycle carbon and nutrients. Meadows are found in shallow coastal waters on the East and West coasts of North America. Seagrass meadows are globally threatened.
-The community dynamics of eelgrass meadows in temperate zones are largely not understood.
Oh hello there, community ecology enthusiasts I believe an introduction is in order. My name is Kyle and I am a recent addition to the Cottenie Lab. I will be undertaking an undergraduate research project under the guidance of Karl and the rest of the gang at CottenieLab beginning this fall (you may have seen my mug in a recent post on this blog in daphnia/stormtrooper attire!). First, a little bit about me… my passions include diving, the outdoors and marine science (not necessarily in that order) and I have been fascinated with aquatic systems since spending my childhood summers sifting through tide pools on Canada’s east coast.