It is so easy to make fun of professors, we even have our own comic strip. If you believe the stereotype, we have so many laughable traits that there is a never ending list of possible punch lines. The sad part, some (most?) of them can hit really close to home.
Recently McSweeney’s published a more elaborate punch line on philosophy to answer:
“UNIVERSE’S FUNDAMENTAL QUESTION”This is a golden oldie, and apparently it made the internet rounds already, but I became aware of it through Geekdad (what’s in a name, right?): What is the difference between a geek and a nerd?
And now I don’t know who I am any more:
- My geek traits
- A mac
- Can be pretentious and longwinded (see this blog)
- A fan of gadgets
- I fell for and married a non-geek
- My nerd traits
- Extreme interest or fascination with academics (see this blog)
- Introverted (do not look at this blog)
- Socially inept
- Diverse and sometimes impractical skills due to broad interest in science
- Interest might include Battlestart Galactica, computer programming
- Reclusive professor