As I recently noticed, the majority of my posts here are unconsciously driven by the courses that I am preparing. The couple of posts on natural history and science are basically an illustration to my field course that I will be teaching next week (hopefully I will get some time to blog from the field). And in the fall, I will be teaching a grad stats course for the first time. As a transition between these two courses, here is a recent discovery: the blog “Datatelling”, where the author defines herself as datateller: “explorer of data, a creator of information, a person who loves to look at numbers”.
Here is an example of her latest post on Wind Flow:
Wind Flow from Jen Lowe on Vimeo.
Interestingly, there seems to be a concurrent debate in these circles between data tellers and statisticians. And don’t we love a good discussion with pointed arguments? Here are two starting points (for me, not aware at all with this debate):